30th Birthday Charity

As it is a very special year for us, I thought it would be great if we could give something back and so I decided to try and raise money for a charity very dear to my heart.

Breast Cancer Breakthrough

Over the years I have supported Breakthrough Breast Cancer and have raised over £6,900 with various 'Breast Night' parties for my girlfriends and I also power-walked the London Marathon and jumped out of a plane (not something I'll be rushing to do again!!)

Having had one of our favourite actresses, two very close friends and several guests who have thankfully survived breast cancer, I thought it would be terrific to raise as much as possible this year for this great charity.

We have been collecting change at the end of each weekend and are also now selling our humorous 'Murderously Naked Calendar 2012' for which many of my brave actors and actresses agreed to 'bare their all' – some of the photos are flashing – literally on our homepage!

May I take this opportunity to thank all our guests for their very generous support. To date we have already raised £9191.00.

Murderously Naked Calendar 2012